Who We Are

Inform Michigan is a membership organization open to any individual or organization concerned with the discipline of Information and Referral. Under the dual membership plan instituted by Inform USA in 2005, individuals and organizations taking out a membership in Inform USA automatically become members of the state or multi-state affiliate that covers their state. Thus, Michigan residents and agencies who join Inform USA automatically become members of Inform Michigan and are entitled to all rights and privileges available to Inform Michigan members. 

Ways to Get Connected

Stay connected using the options below to hear about local training and networking opportunities!

Follow Inform Michigan on Facebook

Send us an e-mail at InformMIchigan@gmail.com

Join our Inform USA Networker Group
(Must be a Member)


February 14, 2024

April 10, 2024

June 12, 2024

August 14, 2024

October 9, 2024


Communications Committee

Membership/Nominating Committee

Program Committee

Board Members

Jennie Pollak, President

Crystal Hood, Vice-President

Emma Lentini, Treasurer

Stacey Gomez, Secretary

Julie Grassi

Tasha Ball

Chiara Cameron-Wood

Becky Eizen

Kelly Elswick

Annie Kules

Patti Kearns

Melissa (Missy) Kositzky

Tracey Progovnick