Inform Northwest (formerly NW-AIRS)

Welcome to NW-AIRS!

Current news is on this page. The rest of our site is under construction.


See below for information about the 2019 NW-AIRS Education Conference!

The Northwest Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (NW-AIRS) is an affiliate of AIRS. We serve the Northwestern States of Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the NW-AIRS is to develop and maintain a high quality, coordinated network of information and referral, information and assistance, and resource and referral professionals in the northwest; promote excellence and accessibility in the field of information and referral; and advance the professionalism of the membership.

NW-AIRS Objectives:

  1. Promote excellence in the field of information and referral.
  2. Provide a vehicle for peer support, regular communication, and training.
  3. Support cooperation between information and referral providers

NW-AIRS News and Hot Topics

Please join us for the 2019 Education Conference. It will be held October 24-25, 2019 in Portland, Oregon! The conference theme is "Harnessing the Power of Your I&R Agencies to Affect Change in Your Community." For further details and to register, visit: