Why Accreditation?

Organizations that pursue Inform USA Accreditation are committed to best-in-class service and support of their communities.

They set the bar for community navigation and reap the benefits of esteem from their funders, the information and referral community, and the public sector.

It is important to note that some agencies are relatively small (e.g., with less than 5 full-time staff). Organizational size is not a barrier!

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Here is what some organizations had to say about why they chose Inform USA Accreditation:
  • "I like being a part of a national/international elite group. We gain knowledge being a part of this. I love the standards and ability to provide quality service to our community. -CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions
  • "For our organization, the best part of accreditation is having such an incredible network of support and information. There are many opportunities for continued learning and growth throughout the network." - Gryphon Place
  • "It is a huge factor in establishing credibility with the public, other agencies and municipalities that we are a very serious, capable and high quality organization." - Community Navigation of Eastern Ontario 
  • "Having this status has proven beneficial to us when applying for both new funding and for continued funding." - United Way of Greater Cleveland 211

Before getting started:

During Accreditation, organizations are asked to share information about their service delivery and resource database.  They are also asked to provide documentation of their practices. 

Prior to submitting an application, or as you prepare for a reaccreditation, feel free to use these tools as a way of preparing your organization. 

Accredited Organizations:

Over 120 organizations from the United States and Canada have achieved Accreditation through Inform USA.

Click here to see a list of your peers! 

If you are familiar with the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Accreditation, click here for a comparison within the context of information and referral. 

For more information about the accreditation process, email accreditation@informusa.org.