About Us

Inform USA is a 501c3 charitable organization whose mission is to serve those in the nonprofit and government sectors that provide information and referral services, often referred to as community navigation. Inform USA is the driving force behind the delivery of quality resource referral, navigation, and connection services and is the sole source for standards, program accreditation, and practitioner certification for the sector. Inform USA members are governmental units, 211 & 988 programs, libraries, civic organizations, and those who work in the areas of aging and disability.

What does Inform USA do?

  • Fosters a connected and engaged community of those who specialize in resource navigation and community service

  • Brings various providers and interests together under one organizational umbrella. Together, we can do more regarding advocacy, development, and systematic change.

  • Develops clear and consistent professional Standards that benchmark every aspect of quality information and referral program to ensure a uniform level of quality and professionalism across the sector

  • Brings credibility to agencies that provide information on community services

  • Offers and administrates organizational accreditation and professional certifications for  information and referral providers

  • Provides online and in-person training. Inform USA is a resource for professionals to find solutions to solve issues, make their jobs easier and more effective

  • Welcomes your membership and the opportunity to help you help others!

The Inform USA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Updated November 2023

Inform USA is the driving force behind delivering quality information and referral services. Our unwavering commitment to diversity motivates us to be a beacon of belonging and embrace the richness of our human experience. Cultural intelligence and empathy are priorities in our education, training, and standards for the sector. We believe all people should feel heard and be able to access help no matter who or where they are.