211 Listing Policy Check out this “listing policy” that really reflects the local service and area. Courtesy of Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region Continue Reading
Promising Practices
Accredited orgs share their documentation!
Evaluation Tool for an I&R Specialist This tool has various components to help assess the readiness of a call taker including; a pre-training self-assessment, selecting the correct call type, choosing proper taxonomy, name that presenting need, searching for local programs, etc.... Continue Reading
Evaluation Tool This Evaluation Tool Document, used to measure the level of competency for Community Resource Specialists and Data Curators is well done. Courtesy of 211 Texas A Call for Help - United Way of Abilene Continue Reading
Continuity of Operations & Disaster Plan This Emergency Operations and Business Continuity Plan is comprehensive. The plan includes contact information for key staff, vendors, and community partners. A document such as this would be very useful for I&R's during a disaster event.... Continue Reading
Lethality Assessment Policy and Procedure In addition to including key elements for crisis assessment and response, this document reflects a template for policies and procedure. They provide the purpose, the policy and processes or instructions. In other words, they explain why the policy... Continue Reading
Community Needs Assessment A very detailed report that reviews the social and human services landscape in Ashtabula County and identifies unmet needs, gaps in services and makes recommendations for improved service delivery. This is a very good example of how the agency and 2-1-1 can leverage... Continue Reading
Board Skills Matrix The matrix tracks the skills and experience of each board member, which indicates the existing capacity of the board and places of potential growth. Courtesy of 211 Nova Scotia Continue Reading
ADRC I&R Crisis Intervention Calls This document not only addresses mental health crisis but also clearly defines other types of crises, with detailed steps on how to respond. Courtesy of ElderSource Continue Reading